Many home buyers are so eager to sign the papers to their new home that they navigate through the buying process hurriedly and forget to check for vital things. Many of these buyers have come to learn by experience that it is essential to examine a home thoroughly before making the decision to buy it. You do not have to fall in the same path. Even though you will make a few changes here and there to make your new home suitable for you, it is vital to avoid expensive repairs. Some of the essential things you can confirm when inspecting a prospective home to buy are:
Open every window
Moving to your new home and having to find out you must replace a few windows is not fan and certainly not cheap either. Thus, when inspecting a home that you are interested in buying, open all the windows to make sure that they are opening and closing properly.
Test the drains
You should check all the drains and test if they are functioning properly. When a home has been empty for some time, or when it is still brand new, branches, trees or collapsed pipes might block the drainage and it will be costly to repair.
Taste the water
Many people will never check for this but is very important when looking for a new home. Even if the city has a great water supply, some connection pipes in the homes are so old that they may affect the taste, quality and purity of the water. Moving in to this house may mean installing an entirely new house filter.
A new house is only a house, until you make it a home.
Turn on the faucets
It is true that changing the light fixtures is not that complicated. Nevertheless, it is not fun reaching for the ceiling with various tools to make these corrections. Furthermore, it may mean that you need to buy new light fixtures, which cost money.
Check the air conditioning
You should determine that the air conditioning is functioning properly before you seal the deal. Turn the air conditioning on then confirm that it actually blows the temperatures it indicates in the control unit. You do not want the responsibility of getting a new air conditioning system falling on your shoulders.
Light the fireplace
This might sound stupid but you will know the value of a functioning fireplace when the cold season actually kicks in. hence, do not be afraid to light up the fireplace and see if it is properly installed and functioning.